Dear Spark readers and Workers Party supporters,
In the last two years the Workers Party has participated in and supported many campaigns, most notably:
* Against racist detention of Iranian migrants at Mt. Eden prison (taking arrests and legal costs)
* Stop The Killings (in the Philippines) campaign
* Hotel workers unionisation campaign
* Restaurant workers unionisation campaign
* Progressive Distribution Centre workers lockout
* Civil Rights Defence campaign after government raids on Tuhoe and activists
* Box city protests – living allowance for students (Wellington)
* Successful Save the Film School campaign at Victoria (Wellington)
* Campaign against the intervention in Aborigine communities Northern Territory
* Middle-East solidarity campaigns
* Numerous workers strikes and pickets (taking an arrest in Auckland)
We have also:
* Raised working class issues through interventions in local government elections
* Been the only left organisation to produce a monthly socialist publication
* Contributed to the monthly Workers Charter
* Held numerous education forums on topics of importance to the movements of workers and oppressed
* Put our website into an upgrade and initiated a blog
* Maintained healthy links with workers organisations and parties in other countries
* Recruited a number of new party activists
Almost all of these activities have relied totally on WP members donating their own time and hard-earned money.
Now we need your financial support as 2008 is the first time the Workers Party will be standing on the party list in a national general election. Please make a donation in one of the following ways:
* Send cash wrapped in envelope to PO BOX 10-282, Dominion Road, Auckland
* Send a cheque made out to ‘Workers Party’ to POBOX 10-282, Dominion Road, Auckland.
* Transfer money from one of your accounts to 38-9002-0817250-01