Marxism 2010: provisional schedule

A weekend of ideas, discussion and debate. Communism, Revolution, Socialism, Capitalism and anything in between…
FRIDAY: 4th of June – Thistle Hall (293 Cuba Street)
7:30pm: International panel: Mike Ely on Nepal, Daphna Whitmore on India, John Edmundson on Afghanistan

SATURDAY: 5th of June – Thistle Hall (293 Cuba Street)
10am: Parallel session: Queer Liberation – presented by Ian Anderson
Cultural capital – presented by Joel Cosgrove
11.15am: Parallel session: Political economy and living wage – presented by John Edmundson
What is Marxism – presented by Don Franks
1.30pm: Debate: Are population controls the answer to climate change? – debate between Byron Clark and John Robinson.
3.10: Mike Ely from on the situation in Nepal
SUNDAY: 6th of June – The Toi Pōneke Arts Centre (61 – 69 Abel Smith Street)
11am: The Fire Last Time: Lessons of the 60s – presented by Philip Fergusson
1pm: Palestine and PFLP – presented by Michael Walker
2.30pm: Panel Discussion: The Government, the recession and the way forward for workers – speakers TBA

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