From Deir Yassin 1948 to Gaza 2009

Justice for Palestine held a rally in central Christchurch on 18 April to mark the 61st anniversary of the Deir Yassin massacre and the bloody beginnings of the Israeli state, which culminated in the expulsion of 700,000 Palestinians from their land and the start of 60 brutal years of oppression at the hands of Israel.

 The rally was attended by up to 25-30 people from the group and spanned two hours.

 Around 150 leaflets detailing the Deir Yassin massacre where distributed to the public, and the Workers Party distributed 100 leaflets entitled “Support Palestinian Resistance” which summarises Zionism, Imperialist Intentions in the region and attempts to debunk the myths about the “Peace Process”.

 Foot traffic was heavy at times and a number of people stopped to read the signage being displayed, or discuss the situation some even effectively joining the rally. In general people responded positively to the information being put forward but as always with a topic that can sometimes bring with it high emotions it is not unusual for the odd debate. Today was no exception when two Israeli tourists passed by and took exception to the signage and leaflets being distributed, one saying “you should be ashamed of yourselves” and relating the support and solidarity for the Palestinian’s being shown with anti-Semitism. Another proclaiming “It was given to them by God”, clearly victims of a steady diet of Zionist propaganda within the Israeli state, making the debate, as an onlooker described, “an exercise in futility”. 

 “From Deir Yassin 1948 to Gaza 2009”, was the theme of the rally and below is the informational leaflet text that was distributed:

 Early in the morning of April 9, 1948, commandos of the Irgun (headed by Menachem Begin) and the Stern Gang attacked Deir Yassin, a village with about 750 Palestinian residents, that lay outside of the area to be assigned by the United Nations to the Zionist State. Deir Yassin,  located on high ground in the corridor between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, was slated for occupation under Plan Dalet .

 In all over 100 men, women, and children were systematically murdered. Fifty-three orphaned children were literally dumped along the wall of the Old City. 

Part of the struggle for self-determination by Palestinians has been to tell the truth about Palestinians as victims of Zionism. For too long their history has been denied, and this denial has only served to further oppress and deliberately dehumanize Palestinians in Israel, inside the occupied territories, and outside in their diaspora.

In all over 100 men, women, and children were systematically murdered. Fifty-three orphaned children were literally dumped along the wall of the Old City.

 Part of the struggle for self-determination by Palestinians has been to tell the truth about Palestinians as victims of Zionism. For too long their history has been denied, and this denial has only served to further oppress and deliberately dehumanize Palestinians in Israel, inside the occupied territories, and outside in their diaspora.

Deir Yassin was not an isolated case . During the creation of the state of Israel, the Nakhba, thousands of Palestinians were killed and over 700,000 were driven or frightened from their homes and lands on which they had lived for centuries.

 The brutal occupation continues, as we see today in Gaza.


5 Replies to “From Deir Yassin 1948 to Gaza 2009”

  1. Some time ago I had read a biography of Yassar Arafat and I got the impression that apart from shaking president Clinton’s hand he achieved very little.
    The more he tried to compromise with the Isreali government the more convoluted and weakened his position became.

    It is from that perspective that I (and anyone else) can now understand why the Palistinians on the Gaza strip have so much respect for Hammas.
    Are they a terrorist organisation? Or they taking the same stand that Winston Churchill took in the battle of Britain?

  2. I’m not sure I’d want to liken them to Winston Churchill but I have no doubt that you’re right; Hamas has gained in support as the Fatah have increasingly sold out.

  3. I can’t believe what that Israeli tourist said, “It was given to them by God” that’s insane. How do these religious nutjobs actually think that that is a convincing arguement to rational people. “Oh, I’m sorry Mr Zionist I didn’t realise God gave it to you. In that case masacre as many Palestinians as you want. Just like you did to the Cananites.” Yuck!

  4. John: don’t get me wrong there is an unsavory side to Churchill but that was the only parrallel I could think of at the time and your’e right the Fatah did sell out!!

    Nick; believe it or not I used to work for people like that and I will tell you something else they are absolutely convinced that they are “Gods chosen people” and they are the sort that would quote from the old testament that “blacks are only fit for hewing wood and carrying pictures of water”. As for me well I am only a lowly goyim.

    I ask this; Why should generations of people (of whatever culture) be burdened with all that baggage?Historically it hasn’t done the Jewish people any favours at all. Those jews who have thrown all that overboard are the ones who have really contributed to the liberation of humankind eg. Albert Einstein, Mark Chagall, Karl Marx and Robert Zimmerman (Bob Dylan)to name a few.


  5. Nick Said
    “I can’t believe what that Israeli tourist said, “It was given to them by God” that’s insane. How do these religious nutjobs actually think that that is a convincing arguement to rational people. “Oh, I’m sorry Mr Zionist I didn’t realise God gave it to you. In that case masacre as many Palestinians as you want. Just like you did to the Cananites.” Yuck!”

    I was talking to a Palestinian at the protest rally who came to New Zealand in 2002, family currently live in the West Bank. His response to the Zionist “God gave it to them” was along the lines: “these guys have to beleive this stuff, they will have served for the military, they will have killed Palestinians in the occupied territories, they have to beleive there is a reason for it!”

    I thought it was worth sharing.



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