Aid as imperialism: Wellington talk

Aid as Imperialism

Aid as imperialism: the role of NGOs in global capitalism

Tuesday November 10th, 5:30pm, Southern Cross.

Discussion, biscuits and tea afterwards.

3 Replies to “Aid as imperialism: Wellington talk”

  1. Because I am not able to be there in Wellington I am wondering what you are going to be discussing? I have seen you have used Trade Aid’s image in your posters, are you talking specifically about Trade Aid or are you just lumping them in with a bunch of NGOs? Fair trade is a very different model to a general aid model…

  2. We will be discussing Trade Aid, among other NGOs. The focus will be on flows of capital through Third World countries and how NGOs (Trade Aid, Amnesty International) act as a buffer for the state. Since you can’t be at the talk, here’s one article that’s decidedly worth looking at:

    Help That Hinders, by Arundhati Roy

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