Marxism 2010: Queer Liberation

Part of Marxism 2010, a weekend of ideas, discussion and debate.
10am, Saturday the 5th of June
Thistle Hall, 293 Cuba St
Queer oppression is interlocked with all other forms of oppression, and takes a historically specific form. This talk will take in the development of modern queerness as a central aspect of urbanisation, with cities providing a basis for new communities. Drawing from theorists such as Gramsci and Foucault, we will undertake a historical analysis beginning with the colonisation of Aotearoa/New Zealand, through the development of a “homosexual” discourse, urbanisation and queer liberation in the 20th century, ultimately leading to the present impasse and the development of a new hegemony. The talk will conclude by dealing with that perennial Marxist-Leninist question, what is to be done?
Presented by Ian Anderson, Workers Party activist. Parallel session with Cultural Capital talk.

3 Replies to “Marxism 2010: Queer Liberation”

  1. Is it compulsory to be a homosexual or lesbian to be a member of the Workers party, or are hetrosexuals allowed to join the party?
    Further, do the hetrosexuals also have meetings run by the Workers Party to celebrate being hetrosexuals?

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